Welcome Great Openings

Blue Sky Agency is pleased to announce that we will be representing and promoting Great Openings extensive offering of filing and storage in Ontario.

Storage. Collaboration, Work Space.

  • All of our products are built-to-order. This enables us to quickly and efficiently manufacture exactly the product you need, when you need it.
  • We ship our product on time, complete, and correct 99.67% of the time.
  • Our lead times are typically 10 days or less.
  • We are world-class in lean manufacturing, and continuous improvement is baked into our processes. Other manufacturers regularly tour our facilities for benchmarking purposes.
  • Great Openings is the proud recipient of the 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 OFDA Dealer Choice Award for filing and storage.
  • Purchase in $CDN with a competitive conversion rate.